The ability to read, write, and do simple math is not only critical to progress and prosperity, it is necessary for the very survival of individuals in a modern society.
Literacy and numeracy projects allow Rotarians to make a creative contribution to building nations, reducing poverty, and opening up opportunities to those who need them.
This year’s Rotary motto, Rotary Shares, means giving of your time.
Demonstrate your commitment to literacy by developing a project in your community. Below you'll find several ideas for community and international projects the Rotary Club of Parry Sound may want to consider.
-- Apply for a Rotary Foundation grant to establish literacy programs for girls and women, working with an international partner in a country with high rates of female illiteracy
-- Establish a literacy center with a library where people can come to read and meet tutors
-- Sponsor a business breakfast, inviting business executives and managers of local businesses to hear about literacy efforts in the workplace
-- Donate books to students and class libraries at home and abroad
-- Schedule a reading hour at a local library when club members would read to children
-- Provide child care for parents attending literacy classes
-- Reward students who read the most books, win a spelling bee or book report contest, or tutor others.