What are other clubs doing?
Other clubs have posted on their websites the rules and regulations for membership. The Rotary Club of Barrie, Ontario, which is www.barrierotary.com, shows some very specific information. It would be helpful to make much of the same information available on the Rotary Parry Sound website.
The bylaws of the Rotary Club of Parry Sound should be made available so that they can be added to the website. New and current members of the Rotary Club of Anguilla would benefit from a review of the bylaws of the club.
Below, I’ve added some specifics that are included in the Barrie website. You may all may find them interesting. Of course, these are the Rotary International policies, but the Barrie Club strictly enforces them.
Making the Rotary Club of Parry Sound a little more official by publicizing these policies could be beneficial to all.
The membership of any active member who is absent for four consecutive regular weekly meetings of this Club shall automatically terminate, unless such absence is made up as hereinafter provided, or he is excused by the Board of Directors for good and sufficient reason.
The membership of any active member whose overall percentage attendance is less than fifty (50) percent during the first or second six months of the Club’s fiscal year or whose attendance at his own Club is less than thirty (30) percent, shall automatically terminate, unless he is excused by the Board of Directors for good and sufficient reason.
Upon written application to the Board setting forth good and sufficient cause, leave of absence may be granted excusing a member from attending the meetings of the Club for a specified length of time.
Method of accepting new members is also very stringent. The proposed member is clearly informed of the obligations and benefits of membership before his/her name is circulated to the membership – with his/her permission. A 10-day waiting period must follow during which any current member may reject in writing the new member. However, if the member is accepted into membership, the Secretary shall issue to the newly elected member a copy of the Club By-Laws and Customs, Lapel Pin, framed copies of the Four Way Test and Object of Rotary, a Rotary membership identification card, name badge and the “ABCs of Rotary.”
The Rotary Club of Parry Sound can become a very well organized club by following some of these policies. We all can help by volunteering our time in this year of “Rotary Shares."